
If you’ve ever met someone from California, chances are good you’ve heard about how great In-N-Out is.
And if you’ve ever had In-N-Out’s famous “Double-Double” cheeseburger…then you know the hype is entirely well deserved.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of states in America still don’t have access to In-N-Out…yet.
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Although In-N-Out isn’t just in California anymore

In-N-Out is currently in just eight states, but it’s rapidly expanding within those eight…
And even planning to expand to three more!
Here they are:
#1: New Mexico

That In-N-Out is coming to New Mexico is probably not a huge shock.
After all, it’s already in every state bordering New Mexico aside from Oklahoma.
That’s right – In-N-Out is already in Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and Texas.

In-N-Out’s first New Mexican restaurant will be in Albuquerque, which is not a surprise either.
(I mean, start with the biggest city, right? That’s where all the people are!)
And more specifically, the restaurant will be located in the University of New Mexico’s South Campus near the corner of I-25 and Gibson.
It’s expected to open in 2027.
Get excited, New Mexico!
#2: Washington State

Like New Mexico, Washington has felt like the state that In-N-Out, for reasons unknown, just…skipped.
There are In-N-Outs along the rest of the West Coast and in every adjoining state (Oregon, Idaho, and Utah), so it’s about time Washington got a bite at the apple! (Or at the double-double, I guess.)

Washington’s first new In-N-Out is slated to open in 2025 in the city of Ridgefield.
Ridgefield is a northern suburb of Portland (just over the state line in Washington) and straddles I-5, which runs from Portland to Seattle.
So, basically, it’s a perfect location to capture all of that north-south traffic.
(It’ll also be the closest In-N-Out to downtown Portland.)
#3: Tennessee

This is big – In-N-Out is coming east of the Mississippi river!
Previous to this, the furthest east In-N-Out had traveled was Texas.
But starting in 2026 with the opening of their first Nashville restaurant, In-N-Out will be in the eastern time zone.
This is a big deal

Nashville getting a Buc-ee’s is wonderful all on its own. Congrats Nashville!
But the implications for the East Coast are…pretty huge.
If In-N-Out can sort out the logistics and sourcing to sling Double-Doubles and Animal-Style Fries in Nashville…
How long until they’re doing the same in Atlanta? Miami? NYC? Boston?
Lotta former Californians on the East Coast.
This could be huge.
Where should they go next?

Which brings me to a crucial question:
Where should In-N-Out go next? Let us know in the comments!
They need one in FT. Lauderdale Fl.
Mobile. AL