Can you use coconut oil for weight loss?
This tropical oil will not only help you lose inches, but it’s also shown to increase energy and suppress appetite!
Here are some facts about this healthy tropical oil.

Can coconut oil help you lose weight?
If you are already living a healthy lifestyle and eating a sustainably “good for you” diet, coconut oil may give you that extra boost you need to lose weight.
Studies suggest that the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil can increase metabolism and reduce appetite, potentially helping with weight loss.
Of course, coconut oil is still a fat and is high in calories. Excessive consumption of any fat can lead to weight gain. So, it’s important to incorporate coconut oil in moderation, and use it as a replacement for other fats in cooking and baking, rather than adding it on top of your current fat intake.
Now, let’s look at just some of the ways that adding coconut oil to your healthy diet can power up your metabolism and help with stubborn weight loss and how you can put this amazing fat to work for you!
How coconut oil may help with weight loss
1. Coconut oil boosts metabolism
Coconut oil has a unique structure – different from other fats in the diet. Most foods contain long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) while coconut oil is almost entirely made up of medium chain fatty acids (MCTs). What makes this so special?
Well, MCTs are quickly absorbed and transported directly to the liver, where they are used for energy or converted into ketones. This process boosts metabolism, helping your body burn calories more efficiently.
Science says: A 2015 review found that MCTs in the diet could potentially reduce body weight and total body fat compared to LCTs in adults. However, more well-designed studies are needed to confirm the effect of MCTs and the dosage needed for the management of a healthy body weight and composition.
2. Coconut oil can help you burn more calories at rest
Coconut oil has a powerful thermogenic property – this means that when you eat it increases energy expenditure – or fat burning when compared to the same amount of calories from other fats. What this means is that a calorie from coconut oil does not react the same way in the body as a calorie from other healthy fats including olive oil or butter.
Science says: This study found that consuming MCTs led to a higher increase in energy expenditure compared to LCTs. Participants who consumed MCTs burned more calories in the hours following their meals .
3. Coconut oil increases satiety/reduces appetite
Although it seems super simple – weight/fat loss is basically about your body using more energy than it consumes. Here is the catch, even though we need to be in a calorie deficit state to lose weight, it is not necessary to count calories. Isn’t that a freeing thought. This is where the quality of food intake, not so much quantity matters. Coconut oil is quality food that has the ability to turn down that appetite needle, leading to fewer calories consumed. Many people report that they don’t even notice eating less when they consume coconut oil – it just happens.
Science says: One study found that women with excess body fat who ate 25 ml of coconut oil with breakfast had a reduced appetite and food intake.
4. Coconut oil can help blast stubborn abdominal fat
That stubborn abdominal fat is often referred to as visceral or belly fat. This is the type of fat that often builds up around organs and can cause inflammation and other concerning conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. In short, it is not the kind of fat that you want hanging around. Reducing this fat can have a powerful impact on your health and protect you from dangerous diseases. There is reason to be optimistic about the way coconut oil behaves in the body and its ability to help reduce dangerous belly fat. This is especially true when it is combined with a healthy lifestyle including a reduction in carbs and elimination of unhealthy, processed food and sugar along with an increase in activity.
What science says: A study found that women who consumed 30 mL (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks experienced a significant reduction in both Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference.
How to use coconut oil for weight loss
Want to use coconut oil for weight loss but aren’t a big fan of taking a heaping tablespoon or two of coconut oil daily (many people aren’t)? Here are a few ideas to eat more coconut oil.
Remember, virgin coconut oil is always best.
- Replace, don’t add – Use coconut oil as a replacement for other fats rather than adding extra calories to your diet. For instance, use it in place of butter or vegetable oil in cooking. Try making stovetop popcorn using coconut oil – you will never go back to microwave!!
- Top your favorite soup with coconut oil – Adding a little coconut oil to your favorite soup will add a rich flavor and texture.
- Add coconut oil to your smoothies – Add melted coconut oil to all of your favorite smoothies. It gives your smoothie a creamy texture and a hint of the tropics.
- Add coconut oil to your coffee or tea – Adding a dollop or two of coconut oil to your coffee and tea is a great way to increase consumption.
- Add coconut oil to oatmeal – Coconut oil makes a great topping for your morning oatmeal. Try adding it when your oatmeal is warm and it will melt into simple goodness.
- Add it to your nut butter – Add it to store-bought or make your own coconut nut butter like this coconut peanut butter!
This article was originally written on June 1, 2019 and has recently been updated.