You decide.
(Also, it’s really simple, which is even better. Basically foolproof!)
Check out the video at the bottom of this page to see this amazing cake slice design – it looks just like a snowflake to me.
Anyway, I’m not going to spend a lot of time talking about how to slice a cake, because the video covers it so nicely.
What I’m interested in talking about is how to make a delicious cake so the beauty of the design matches the fantastic taste of the cake!

Tips for making a fantastic cake
The first one, and I can’t overemphasize this, is – unless you’re a highly experienced baker…follow a recipe.
I know that seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how many cakes get ruined when people start freestyling.
That goes double if you’ve got dietary restrictions – you want to bake recipes that have been tailor-made for that diet, as opposed to trying to sub out a bunch of ingredients.
This is especially true with different flours, as your other flours will just bake differently from your typical all-purpose flour. Case in point: Let’s say you’re trying to bake a gluten-free cake so you sub in coconut flour. I can tell you right now that, if you do it with a 1:1 ratio and make no other adjustments, your cake will be super dry and fall right apart.
You see, coconut flour is dense and highly liquid absorbent – so you only need about 1/4 as much as you’d need if baking with all-purpose flour. Also, because coconut flour is gluten-free, you’ll need extra binders (usually eggs – also helps keep the bake moist) to keep everything from falling apart.
If you’re baking with, say, almond flour, you’ll face different challenges. (In fact, each flour – and there are over 60 of them! – presents unique challenges and opportunities.)
Fortunately, there are loads of great cake recipes out there. (And lots of ways to get plenty of reps with coconut flour recipes too.)
The second tip for a great cake is – ingredient quality really matters. In fact, I prefer to use homemade ingredients when time allows, specifically because there are so many chemicals and additives in storebought. Here are just a few great things you can easily make at home:
- Your own coconut flour
- Homemade vanilla extract
- Baking powder (this one’s really easy)
- Coconut milk
- Coconut oil
Or if you’re going to buy storebought – which is fine too, not everyone has all day to homemake all their ingredients – make sure you look for single-origin and organic, and ideally as few ingredients as possible.
And then once you’ve made your cake…here’s how to slice it:
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