If you’ve ever eaten a fig, you probably assumed it was a fruit because it tastes sweet. A fig is generally considered a fruit in a culinary sense, but technically it doesn’t meet the botanical classification of a “true fruit” as it’s technically an “inflorescence.” Figs aren’t considered vegetables, though - that part is clear! If you’re a bit confused, don’t worry - we’ll explain more about what we mean in this [...]
Is a Pumpkin a Fruit or a Vegetable? (Hint: You’re BOTH right!)
The versatile pumpkin can be included in everything from savory stews to sweet pumpkin pie, so you might be wondering if it’s a fruit or a vegetable. The answer is that pumpkins can be considered both a fruit and a vegetable. Pumpkins are considered a fruit botanically (because of how they grow) but are accepted as a vegetable in a culinary sense because they aren’t sweet - similar to tomatoes, avocados, and other [...]
Is a Tomato a Fruit or a Vegetable? (Hint: You’re BOTH right!)
Whether it's on a sandwich, in a salad, or mixed in salsa, tomatoes are a favorite fruit…or is it a vegetable? Tomatoes are considered a fruit in a botanical sense but are generally accepted as vegetables in a culinary sense. If you’re a little confused, don’t worry - we’ll explain more below! What’s the definition of a fruit? The classifications for plant-based foods are usually pretty clear, but sometimes it can [...]